Free Origins: Eliminate the Manual Attribution Tracking Burden

July’s webinar unveiled our Free Origins service, a concept borne from the five-hour car ride between Dallas and Tulsa. We make this trip each year driving home from GATS, and last year we discussed the idea of making attribution easier for everybody – not just our Full Origins clients. And today, almost one year later […]

Maintaining Your Driver Job Posts

You might think that writing a great job ad and knowing where to post it online are all you need to attract great drivers, but those steps are just the beginning. To see continued results from your job posts, you need to maintain them to ensure they’re kept up to date and performing effectively. Just […]

How American Central Transport Uses Tenstreet Origins

There are a ton of application sources out there to choose from when you’re looking to hire drivers. With all these choices, it’s nearly impossible to determine which ones work the best. What you’re asking for should be simple – which application sources give you the most cost-effective leads? Or to be even more clear, […]

What’s New Here at Tenstreet?

We know it’s been a little over a week since our last blog update, so we wanted to fill you in on all the exciting things that have been happening around Tenstreet so far this fall. If you’re one of the lucky people who have discovered our Friday vlog (read more about it below), you […]

Tenstreet: Your InteGREATion Station

When Bill Gates was asked about Microsoft’s accomplishments, he answered very matter-of-factly. “Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.” While we mostly prefer Macs here at Tenstreet, we completely identify with Gates’ outlook (get it?) as it strongly resonates with one of our core values – that we are exponentially […]

Origins: A Look into the Software

We’re focusing on actionable data in the form of comparative results between your advertising sources. So we’ve taken a few stabs at this in the past – but the results were either too incomplete (print the reports on thin paper and hold them up to a bright light) or too hard to use (you had to […]

Origins: The Advertising Approach That Makes Sense

Advertising can be expensive. And as with most expensive purchases, advertising costs should be held accountable. In recruiting,  advertising is ideally measured by hired drivers.  But you cross a line somewhere when you say “calculating advertising cost per hire is a calculation” instead of a mixture of wishful thinking, oversimplification, and good intentions. How We Wish Advertising […]