What’s New Here at Tenstreet?

We know it’s been a little over a week since our last blog update, so we wanted to fill you in on all the exciting things that have been happening around Tenstreet so far this fall. If you’re one of the lucky people who have discovered our Friday vlog (read more about it below), you are most likely already aware of these great new features we’ve recently added to Xpress. But in case you’ve missed them, please peruse the below items and allow us to catch you up on our latest and greatest.

Subject-level Origins

One of our really exciting changes was the addition of subject-level in Origins. This allows you to see an individual subject’s complete path to hire, identifying all the touch-points a particular subject hit on his/her way to eventually completed an IntelliApp, that eventually lead to a hire.

For example, you can see that this subject’s Origins path completed a lead app, then placed a phone call, and then filled out an IntelliApp.

And since Origins now tracks web site visits and phone numbers, drilling-down into a specific subject’s path gives you greater perspective into which campaigns were successful, how you got your hires for a certain period, and cost-per-hire.

Subject-level Origins displays in two new reports that have been added in the Time Travel tab – Subjects in Origins, and Hires by Cost.

The Subjects in Origins report tracks subjects by month, and can be filtered by status, recruiter, or worklist. It also reports on Total Spend, which is all of the money spent on a subject over all the Origins they fall into for that month.

The Hires by Cost report shows all subjects that were hired in a given range (this week, this month, this quarter) and is ordered by lowest to highest amount, again showing each individual hire’s cost.

Simply clicking on the subject will show you the subject’s Origins path, which shows all phone calls, web hits, and lead apps that led them to an IntelliApp.

Quick Notes

Quick Notes gives you the ability to create and save note templates for any note you may write frequently and want to use more than once. Simply click on the gear icon on the right-hand side to create a template. Any saved templates will appear as an option in the dropdown left of the gear.

Quick Search (Coming Soon!)

Much like Quick Notes, Quick Search also gives you the ability to create and save common searches that you perform often. Both are added conveniences that save time, and save you from having to repeat the same actions over again. For our clients with a lot of tags, the Quick Search has also been revamped to allow you to easily find the tag by which you want to filter. Simply type the first few letters of one of the words in your tag’s name. Any matching tag will move up to the top of the search screen, so you can easily find and select your search criteria.

For example, typing the word ‘date’ in the Filter Tags box pulls up all tags that include the word ‘date’. 

Friday’s Weekly Wrap-up Video-Log

We at Tenstreet are always looking for new ways to share information with our busy clients. One of the newest ways we’ve started sharing is through a short, 2-3-minute video-log we release every Friday morning. These quick, informal videos allow us to provide any information on service renovations, and gives a behind-the-scenes look at what’s new here at Tenstreet (complete with office tours and team-member introductions). We’ll soon be housing our videos on our server to allow users with YouTube blocked to still join the fun by watching them from inside Xpress.

Look for the link to the week’s v-log in the Alerts section of your dashboard every Friday AM.

Tenstreet’s User Conference 2018

Early-bird pricing for Tenstreet’s User Conference 2018 in Vegas ends on Halloween! Meaning on and after November 1st, the cost will rise $250/person. Take a look at the feedback we received last year from our amazing clients, and get registered today!

Always Trucking Along

We’ve always got something coming down the pipeline here at Tenstreet, whether it’s new service announcements (like our mobile drug-screening service Pulse MD, that lets you operate using an electric chain of custody – join our webinar), or updates to existing services such as the ones listed above. Regardless of how we do it (e.g. monthly newsletter, login notices, webinars, alerts, blogs, vlogs, or a personal visit with your account manager or advisor), our goal is to always keep you up-to-date on everything new here at Tenstreet.

If you have any ideas on other ways we can share information, please leave a comment below!

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