Awards: Get the Most Out of Your Tenstreet Investment

Do you ever feel like Tenstreet is a chamber of secrets? Maybe you’ve experienced the nagging feeling that there’s more to Tenstreet than you realize, or that you could be using a specific service more effectively?

You have your dutiful account managers and advisors, you read our blogs, watch our webinars, and feel the login notice love. Nobody can expect you to stay on top of everything all the time – after all, you’re busy. Your day-to-day job responsibilities are your priority, and you just hope that over time you’ll learn the system better.

We see this as our problem. More than anything, we want you to know how to maximize the services you have at Tenstreet. We believe that your success is our success, and when we hear the statement, “I didn’t know it could do that!”, it’s a heavy blow to our collective Tenstreet heart. So while we have always done our best to educate and advise our clients, we want to do better.

So we created Awards.

Tenstreet, gamified

Awards adds the much teacher-sought-after element of fun to learning, and even boasts a leadership board for all you competitive players out there. We believe that by creating a more dynamic educational experience that happens as you’re working, you achieve the higher learning levels of application and analysis, which makes your knowledge stickier than simply reading about a topic. By enrolling in Awards, you and your team will move to an upgraded dashboard, opening up a new level of interaction that helps you gain insight and education into new and existing features, services, and enhancements – all to ensure you get the most out of your Tenstreet investment. Because the more you know, the more value you’ll reap – and, quite frankly, the better your business will run.

Most of our nearly 100 awards focus on key, foundational services and features that we believe give you the most value when used correctly, and will expand to introduce new services and features we roll out along the way. They’re designed to show best practices to ensure your company performs… well, best. And we’ll be adding more all the time.

How it works

Your dashboard’s odometer shows you how many miles you’ve covered weekly, daily, and over all of time. Open it up, and you’ll quickly see that Awards takes a three-pronged approach, allowing you to cover ground in the categories of Dashboard Usage, Achievements, and Education.

Dashboard Usage gains you miles for how well you navigate the Tenstreet dashboard. Awards here include changing a subject status, entering a phone application, and requesting a Pulse document.

Achievements are performance-based, and can be based on past performance. They include checkpoints such as hiring 10 drivers in one week, increasing your hires by 5% from the previous month, and reducing the elapsed time from IntelliApp to hire.

Education awards are gained by reading blog posts and attending webinars, user summits, and conferences.

But you can’t win if you don’t play

Be sure to have your primary enroll your team in Awards today! They can do so from their Xpress Control panel. And if you missed Friday’s Awards and Communications webinar, click the button below to watch the recording – it will provide an audio-visual demonstration (if that’s your learning preference) and even further detail. If you still have questions, reach out to your Account Manager; they’re here to help.

Let the fun begin!

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