Maintaining Your Driver Job Posts

You might think that writing a great job ad and knowing where to post it online are all you need to attract great drivers, but those steps are just the beginning. To see continued results from your job posts, you need to maintain them to ensure they’re kept up to date and performing effectively. Just […]

How to Get Free Driver Applications For Christmas

Everybody in America is already getting at least one big, beautiful Christmas present, thanks to Trump’s new tax reform plan. But why stop there? You can actually get even more big, beautiful Christmas presents, with the added bonus of freeing up some money in your advertising budget. So, how do you spend less and recruit […]

Putting an End to Advertising Inefficiency

When we look at how advertising for drivers works in 2017, we’re reminded a lot of how verifications worked in 2007. Drivers paying $20 to fax in authorizations from truck stops, people standing over fax machines to send requests (and resending, and resending), filling in forms and sending them back, wash, rinse, repeat… When we […]