Next Up on Extreme Makeover: The Charts Tab

  The Backstory The Xpress dashboard Charts Tab has always known it’s had more to give. Normally spending its days adrift with self-neglect, the Charts Tab was surprised to suddenly find itself feeling lighter, inspired, with a strong urge to reinvent itself.  Fancying a bit more than the standard spa day however, the Charts Tab […]

Referral Codes: Measuring the Effectiveness of Ad Placements

What is a Referral Code? Referral codes are a unique string of letters and numbers used to identify the source of a driver’s application. Why should I use Referral Codes? Xpress will track your applicants using the referral codes you create. These codes help you to evaluate how well a specific ad or vendor (ad agency, […]

The Gift of Time: Greyhound Integration in Xpress

If you’re like most carriers, you use Greyhound every week to get your drivers to orientation. What you may not know is that you can order Greyhound tickets directly from within the Tenstreet Xpress dashboard. Greyhound Integration in Xpress is an impressive win in convenience and efficiency. Take it from Rob Hatchett – “The efficiency it […]

New Xpress Functionality

We’ve talked pretty often here about the importance of responding quickly to drivers when they apply, as well as the importance of moving those drivers through the hiring process as quickly and smoothly as possible in order to prevent them from stalling partway through recruitment. We hope you’re not tired of hearing that, because we […]

Introduction to Xpress

A recruiter’s job is not easy, but it’s probably one of the most important jobs at your company. Moving applicants through the hiring process quickly is essential to keeping a carrier well-staffed with qualified drivers, and each candidate that your recruiters deal with represents a lot of time and advertising dollars that your business has […]

Driving Better Metrics with Tagging

Effectively tracking metrics can be one of the most important things that you do for the success of your business. It enables you pinpoint what your business is doing well and where it can improve. Unfortunately, tracking employee and candidate information can be a hassle for any business, and the more you grow, the more […]

New Feature for Xpress Users

We are proud to announce a new tool for Xpress users: Dashboard Alerts. If you need to quickly communicate a message across your user base, this tool allows you to create alerts for announcements, updates, news or anything else. Dashboard Alerts does a great job of disseminating simple messages without interrupting the rhythms of the […]

A Simple Solution to Reduce Time-to-Hire

How much time are you recruiters spending now, and how are they spending that time? How many active candidates are in the system, and how long does it take to move them through the system? Which recruiters are doing their jobs efficiently? Is your process efficient? Do you need more recruiters? Do you have the […]